Primary organization in Ventura County which assists permanent residents become citizens. Provides bilingual Civic Classes with 98% pass rate.
As a Board of Immigration Appeals, Office of Legal Access Program, recognized organization and with 37 years of experience, El Concilio assists by providing Civics courses and by increasing the number of U.S. Citizenship applications, thus allowing families to integrate through the petition processes of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
El Concilio has extensive experience providing naturalization application services on an on-going basis since 1987 and was accredited in 1992 by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
We Are Here To Serve
An enrichment education program for at-risk-youth targeting low income Latino youth and foster youth with youth development in life skills, teen-pregnancy prevention and healthy dating relationships.
The Youth Services program targets at-risk-youth ages 13-18.
The program’s ultimate goal is to empower the youth with increased self-esteem and life skills.
The program offers the following workshops:
Provides one-on-one paralegal immigration assistance to LPR’s and their families in a variety of services including but not limited to: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Family Petitions, Immigrant Visas, Adjustment of Status, Petitions for Alien Relatives.
As a Board of Immigration Appeals recognized organization and with 48 years of experience, El Concilio has been processing Immigrations Applications for families through the petition processes of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.
El Concilio has extensive experience providing the following services on an on-going basis since 1989 and was accredited in 1992 by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Our services include but are not limited to the following:
***Free Immigration Legal Consultation